WWIC 2011
9th International Conference on
Wired/Wireless Internet Communications
June 15-17, 2011
Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain
Next generation mobile networks will be based on Internet core networks and wireless access networks. The need for efficient merging of the wired and wireless infrastructure as well as the new multimedia services and applications of next generation networks call for novel network architectures, protocols and traffic-related mechanisms, merging and assembling different network technologies features. WWIC addresses research topics such as the design and evaluation of protocols, the dynamics of the integration, the performance tradeoffs, the need for new performance metrics, and cross-layer interactions.
The goal of the conference is to present high-quality results in the field, and to provide a framework for research collaboration through focused discussions that will designate future research efforts and directions. In this context, the program committee will accept only a limited number of papers that meet the criteria of originality, presentation quality and topic relevance. WWIC is a single-track conference which has reached, within 8 years, the highest level of quality, which is reflected both in the level of participation as well as the acceptance ratio and the amount and quality of submitted papers.
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by Springer in the Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS) Series. Extended versions of conference selected papers will be considered for publication in an special issue of an international journal.
Following the conference tradition there will also be a Best Paper Award.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- AAA in mobile environments
- Ambient networks
- Ad-hoc mobile networks
- Blended network configurations
- Beyond 3G networks technologies
- Cross layer interactions
- Economical issues of wireless networks
-End-to-end Quality of Service support
- Handover techniques
- Heterogeneous wireless access networks
- Hybrid wired / wireless environments
- Interaction wireless/optical networks
- Integration of wired and wireless networks
- Mobile service level agreements/spec.
- Mobility management
- Network design and network planning
- Network mobility
- Network coding in mobile networks
- Network security in mobile environments
- Performance evaluation of wireless systems
- Pricing, charging and accounting in wireless net.
- QoS routing in mobile networks
- QoS signalling in mobile environments
- Resource management and admission control
- Service creation and management for wireless
- Simulation for next generation mobile networks
- Traffic characterization and modeling
- Traffic engineering
- Transport protocols and congestion control
- Wireless mesh networks
- Wireless multi-hop networks
- Wireless multimedia systems
- Wireless network monitoring
- Wireless sensor networks
- Optical/Wireless integration
- Space internetworking
- Delay/disruptive tolerant networking
- Vehicular networks
All submissions must describe original research, not published or currently under review for another workshop, conference, or journal. Papers must be submitted electronically through EDAS. You can find detailed submission instructions at http://www.craax.upc.edu/WWIC11
Submission implies the willingness of at least one author to attend the conference and present the paper. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by Springer in the Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS) Series.
- Manuscript submission deadline: January 30, 2011. EXTENDED
- Manuscript acceptance notification: March 4, 2011.
For further information, please visit the conference website at http://www.craax.upc.edu/WWIC11 or contact the TPC-chairs at wwic11-tpc@ac.upc.edu
Two workshops will be held in conjunction with the main conference.
5th ERCIM eMobility Workshop on June 14, 2011
4th IntelliCIS Workshop on June 13-14, 2011
Please visit the conference website for details.
Xavier Masip-Bruin, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC, Spain
Dominique Verchere, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France
Vassilis Tsaoussidis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Marcelo Yannuzzi, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC, Spain
Eva Marín-Tordera, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC, Spain
Eduardo Cerqueira, UFPA, Brazil
Alex Sprintson, Texas A&M, USA
Torsten Barun, University of Bern, Switzerland
Georg Carle, TU München, Germany
Geert Heijenk, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Peter Langendörfer, IHP Microelectronics, Germany
Ibrahim Matta, Boston University, USA
Vassilis Tsaoussidis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
COST Program
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