Communication and Information Systems Security (CISS) Symposium
June 5.-9. 2011, Kyoto, Japan
Scope and Motivation
With the advent of pervasive computer applications and due to the proliferation of heterogeneous wired and wireless computer and communication networks, security, privacy and trust issues have become paramount. This Symposium will address all aspects of the modeling, design, implementation, deployment, and management of security algorithms, protocols, architectures, and systems. Furthermore, contributions devoted to the evaluation, optimization, or enhancement of security and privacy mechanisms for current technologies, as well as devising efficient security and privacy solutions for emerging areas from physical layer technology to the application layer, are solicited.
Main Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Authentication protocols and message authentication
- Biometric security: technologies, risks, vulnerabilities, bio-cryptography, mobile template protection
- Computer and network forensics
- Cryptanalysis
- DDOS attacks, DNS spoofing, intrusion, localization and countermeasures
- Digital right management: information hiding, watermarking, fingerprinting, and traitor tracing scheme
- Formal trust models, security modeling and protocol design
- Information systems security and security management
- Mobile and Wireless network security, including ad hoc networks, P2P networks, 3G, 4G, sensor networks, Bluetooth, 802.11 family and WiMAX
- Network security metrics and performance
- Operating systems and application security and analysis tools
- Optical network security
- Physical security and hardware/software security
- Privacy and privacy enhancing technologies
- Public-key, symmetric-key, applied crypto, coding-based cryptography
- Quantum cryptography
- Virtual private networks and group security
- VoIP, IPTV, DAB, and other multimedia security
- Vulnerability, exploitation tools and virus analysis
- Web, Cloud, eBusiness, eCommerce, eGovernment security
Sponsoring Technical Committees
IEEE ComSoc Communications and Information Security (CIS-TC)
Important Dates
Manuscript submission deadline: 20. Sep. 2010, EXTENDED
Notification of decision: 11. Jan. 2011
Camera-ready deadline: 11. Feb. 2011
Instructions for Authors
Papers must represent high-quality and previously unpublished work. Original research papers are solicited in all areas of communication and information systems security. All submissions will be handled electronically through the EDAS conference management system at and must be in pdf format, with a maximum length of six pages. A formatting template may be found at
IEEE ICC 2011 CISS Symposium co-Chairs
Peter Muller, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland (
Xiaodong Lin, University of Ontario, Canada (
Seong Han Shin, Natl. Inst. of AIST, Japan (
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