The IPTComm2010 conference,, will take place on August 2 and 3, 2010 in Munich, Germany. The conference includes special sessions focused on demonstrations and industrial innovations.
The information below describes the goals of talks and demos. We welcome your submissions and look forward to your participation in this event.
Submission deadline: May 16, 2010
Notification: June 8, 2010
Talks scheduled: August 2 or 3, 2010
Demos scheduled: August 2 or 3, 2010
The topics of interest are listed at
The Industrial Talks session highlights innovative solutions and their impact and benefits for the community.
The Demos session features working systems with a demonstrable impact on products in the short-medium term as well as prototypes with long term research visions.
The expectations and requirements for submissions in these two separate sessions are listed below.
Industrial talks: Talk submissions should include a title and an abstract detailing the topics to be addressed during the talk and the significance of the contribution relative to the conference themes. Submissions must be in English and must not exceed two pages. Priority will be given to talks that highlight the innovation of the solutions presented as well as the impact and the benefits for the community. Persons involved in innovative industrial activities and designs are
particularly encouraged to submit talk abstracts. The session is intended to foster the feedback from design to research with a high degree of discussion and ideas exchange. Submissions are to be sent as email attachments (PDF format) to:
Demos: Demonstration submissions should include a title, a short description of the system, a summary of its novel characteristics, the list of functions and features to be demonstrated, and a statement of the significance of the contribution relative to the conference themes. Submissions must be in English and must not exceed four pages. Authors are encouraged to include in their submissions a link to a set of screenshots, and/or mockups, and/or animations of the proposed
demonstration where possible. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their innovation, practical value, relevance, and presentation. The demo session is seen as an opportunity for researchers to come together with developers and industry to discuss practically oriented topics. Submissions are to be sent as email attachments (PDF format) to:
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards,
Industrial Talks and Demos Co-Chairs
Carol Davids, Illinois Institute of Technology
Saverio Niccolini, NEC Laboratories Europe
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