[CISIS 2010] International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Security in Information Systems

3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Security
in Information Systems

** CISIS'10 **

León (Spain)
Supercomputing Center of Castilla y León
November 11-12th, 2010

The CISIS'10 proceedings will be published by Springer in the prestigious Advances in Soft Computing Series.

CISIS aims to offer a meeting opportunity for academic and industry-related researchers belonging to the various, vast communities of Computational Intelligence, Information Security, Data Mining, and Biometry, HPC and Grid computing issues. The need for intelligent, flexible behavior by large, complex systems, especially in mission-critical domains, is intended to be the catalyst and the aggregation stimulus for the overall event. CISIS´10 provides an interesting opportunity to present and discuss the latest theoretical advances and real-world applications in this multidisciplinary research field.


PROF. Ajith Abraham

Dr. Jorge Ramió Aguirre
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Spain
"Information security thematic netwoks: criptored"


Authors are invited to submit manuscripts written in English. All submissions will be refereed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity; every submitted paper will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee. Accepted papers will be included in CISIS´10 Proceedings to be published by Springer in the prestigious Advances in Soft Computing Series. Papers must be prepared according to the Springer LNCS style template. Submitting authors should visit the Conference website for instructions.

Submission system is open:

*** TOPICS ***
Topics are encouraged, but not limited to:
- Intelligent Data Mining for Network Security: Intrusion Detection Systems, Log Correlation Methods, Adaptive Defense of Network Infrastructures.
- Learning Methods for Text Mining in Intelligence and Security: Document Classification and Processing, Ontologies and Conceptual Information Processing, Semantic Information Representation, Natural Language Acquisition, Web Semantics in Intelligence and Law-Enforcement, Adaptive Reasoning, Information Forensics.
- Soft-Computing Methods in Critical Infrastructure Protection: Industrial and Commercial Applications of Intelligent Methods for Security, Intelligent Control and Monitoring of Critical Systems, Dynamic Adaptive Railway Operation, Centralized Control Systems, Adaptive Planning for Strategic Reasoning.
- Intelligent Secure Methods in Railway Operation: Intelligent Methods in Energy and Transportation, Planning and Automated Reasoning in Large System Control.
- Computational Intelligence in Biometrics for Security: Biometric Identification and Recognition, Biometric Surveillance, Biometric Access Control, Extraction of Biometric Features (fingerprint, iris, face, voice, palm, gait).
- Computer Science, namely on HPC and Grid computing issues, Computational Sciences, with requirements in HPC and Grid, Computational Engineering with a similar focus, Grid Middleware, Grid Computing, Data and Networking Infrastructures, Distributed and Large-Scale Data Access and Management, Distributed and Large-Scale Data Access and Management,
Data Repositories, Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling, Supercomputer/cluster/grid integration issues, Grid Performance Evaluation, QoS and SLA Negotiation, Grid and HPC Applications, including e-Science in general and also Science Gateways, Nanomaterials, High Energy Physics, e-Health, e-Business, e-Administration, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Civil Protection, Computational Sciences and Engineering, User Development Environments and Programming Tools for Grid Computing


Papers submission deadline: 14th June, 2010
Notification of acceptance: 5th July, 2010
Deadline for revised accepted papers: 14th July, 2010
Deadline for camera-ready papers: 21st July, 2010
Author registration due: 23rd July, 2010
Early bird registration deadline: 23rd July, 2010
CISIS'10 Workshop: 11th-12th November, 2010

Antonio Silván Rodríguez Consejero de Fomento.- Regional Goverment of Castilla y León (Spain)
Carolina Blasco.- Director of Telecommunication. Regional Goverment of Castilla y León (Spain)

*** COMMITTEES *** (Tentative)

* General Chairs *
Rodolfo Zunino, Univ. of Genova, Italy
Emilio Corchado, Univ. of Burgos, Spain

* Program Committee * (Co-Chairs)
Carlos Redondo
University of León /FCSCL (Spain)
Álvaro Herrero
Universidad de Burgos (Spain)
Emilio Corchado
Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)

*** CONTACT ***

Emilio Corchado
Universidad de Salamanca
Email: escorchado@usal.es
Álvaro Herrero
Universidad de Burgos
Email: ahcosio@ubu.es
Carlos Redondo
University of León /FCSCL (Spain)

For more information about CISIS´10, please refer to the CISIS´10 website:

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