The 2nd Int'l conf. on Internet Technology and Applications
iTAP 2011
Ei & ISTP Indexed
Wuhan, China Aug 16-18, 2011
The 2nd International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications (iTAP 2011) will be held from August 16~18, 2011 in Wuhan, China.
All accepted papers will be included in the iTAP 2011 Conference Proceedings (CD Format). All papers accepted will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Ei Compendex and ISTP.
IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1114I-CDR
ISBN: 978-1-4244-7254-3
iTAP 2011 have been included in well-known websites in China:
The China Science-Meeting Online:
Organizing Committee
General Chair
Prof. Yanxiang He Wuhan University, China
Dr. Matthew Wang IBM Development Labs & AP North Cluster Labs, China
Dr. NG Tek Ming Republic Polytechnic, Singapore
Relevant topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
* Network Architecture and Protocols
* Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* Ad Hoc Networks
* Mesh Networks
* Wireless Network
* Cognitive Network
* High Speed Networks
* Communication Networks and Protocols
* Natural Networks and Applications
* Grid Computing and Applications
* Network and Data Security
* Network Discovery and Mapping
* Network Performance
* Distributed Object-Oriented Systems E-Learning
* E-Learning
* E-Business
* E-Government
* Data Mining
* Internet Computing
* Cloud computing
* Distributed computing
* Web-based Services
* System and Applications
* P2P Networks and Applications
* Multimedia and QoS
* Network Monitoring
* Network Interface
* Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Important Dates:
Paper submission due: Apr.08,2011 EXTENDED
Acceptance notification: Apr.20,2011
For more specific Information, please contact:
QQ: 41520923
Group No:7794403